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Contact Details

What is your best performing platform?

Your information will be treated with confidentiality and can only be accessed by our data controller for evaluation purposes. Needless to say, we will never share your data. You can always ask for the complete deletion of your data by contacting us at

Do you have a German VAT number?*

As we are planning to store your products in Germany, you are required to have a German VAT number. If you do not have one yet, we are happy to assist you with the process. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

Do you have any Social Media Channels? (optional)

We take privacy very seriously. We will never share any data we receive with anyone and only use it to evaluate a possible collaboration between you and amz Fastlane. If you want your data to be completely erased from our memory (and system), just contact us at You can also check out our Privacy Policy for further information.

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You should receive a confirmation email shortly. We will review your information and get back to you soon!

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