We Help Bol Sellers Expand To Amazon

Double your revenue in just a few months
by taking your products to the German market.


If you are a successful Bol Seller, selling on Amazon might have already crossed your mind. And very rightly so, as with 5x the traffic you are leaving a lot of money on the table by not exposing your products to the German Amazon marketplace.

For the past years we have helped several brand owners migrate their products to Amazon.de - the right way!

Now you might be thinking: 
"Can't we just do this ourselves?"

Honest answer? You probably could!

If you have a few years of Amazon marketplace experience, around 100 hours per week to spare and a few German native speakers in your team, you totally got this and we wish you nothing but the best!

However, from our experience, as a successfull Bol Seller you might face the following challenges:

You Are Very Busy

Running your Bol business probably already takes up most of your time. Expanding to a new platform in a different market can easily double your workload.

The good news? We are here for you! Let us take care of your daily Amazon business, while you focus on what you do best: growing your Bol account.


You can't just copy your existing content from Bol, paste it to Amazon and expect to get the same results. Amazon is a different platform that dances to its own tune, with unique algorithms, customer preferences, and marketplace dynamics.

So, let’s dive into the world of tailored solutions, shall we?

You Don’t Speak German (well enough)

Sure, you might understand a little German or have access to all these awesome AI tools, but that only gets you mediocre results.

As German native speakers and language virtuosos we bring a deeper understanding of the German market, its nuances and cultural subtleties. If you want to make this project worth your time, let us “Krauts” optimize your content to better resonate with the German audience.

So, What Exactly Can We Do For You?
I'm Glad You Asked!

Just think of us as your external Amazon department. We will handle day-to-day operations to free up your hands, allowing you to focus on your core business.

What You Get

SEO Product Descriptions
Translated Product Images
Enhanced Brand Content
PPC Management (aka Amazon Ads)
Amazon Brand Store
Customer Support
Monthly Reportings
And much more.
New Product Images
New Product Videos
Help With Obtaining a VAT Number
Our Entire Migration System

Optional Add-Ons

The amz Fastlane Roadmap

As highly experienced Webflow experts, Relume will carefully translate your designs to code using Webflow best practices.


We kick off the collaboration by asking you to fill out an extremely boring but very short (I promise🤞) spreadsheet, in order to get an overview of your products. We will also need you to share available product images, videos, and optionally some funny cat memes. The latter is not going to contribute to sales, but it will certainly increase our work ethic.

Marketplace Analysis

Based on the information you provide, we will scan the marketplace and calculate the potential profitability of each product. If we don’t think a certain product will make money on Amazon, we will tell you. To your face. For your own good!

Product Migration

This is where the magic happens. Everyone in our Team will put on their proverbial working hats, crank up the coffee machine and do the necessary doing. Product descriptions, image translations & editing, brand store creation, ads setup - and like a million steps in between.


Roughly 2-4 weeks of sleepless nights later (depending on the amount of products) and enough caffeine to make a sloth participate in a rave, your products will be ready to go live, so we can finally start generating sales. ‘Cause let’s face it, even though we are a delight to be around, this is what you REALLY came to us for.

Step NUmber 5:

Ongoing Management

Despite what some people might think, unfortunatelly Amazon is not a “hit it and quit it” type of game. I know, it sucks. But don’t worry, we are not going anywhere! We will stick with you and take care of business for as long as you tolerate us. We will keep managing your ad spent, split test the hell out of your images, answer annyoing customer requests and do everything in our power to improve conversions. Of course we will also keep adding new products as needed.

Scale to the moon

As soon as your products are perfectly optimized on the German marketplace, we will help you build the infrastructure for selling on all European and/or North American marketplaces. (This step is of course optional)


Our service will set you back around 2000€-5000€ per month and will vary depending on your individual requirements (amount of products, available ressources such as images and videos, etc.)

Let's talk!

Who We Are

We are NOT a typical Marketing Agency. We DON'T sell coachings, mentorships, courses or trendy masterminds.

We are a Team of young Entrepreneurs with over 30 decades ( yes, I am exaggerating to make a point 🤨) of combined knowledge in Grafik Design, Copywriting, Performance Marketing and of course - The Amazon Ecosystem. Through our years of experience working on our own Amazon account as well as our clients’ products, we have developed a fast and simple, yet highly effective system for introducing new products to Amazon.

“amz Fastlane is the greatest company of all time. They have made me Billions of $$$.”

- Happy Future Client

Position, Company name

“During the last couple of years, the amz Fastlane family has become more than just a partner. I consider them to be my friends.”

- Beff Jezos

Position, Company name

“Danny and his Team are absolutely amazing. Also, they are extremely good looking.”

- Imaginary Client

Position, Company name

We get it done

Meet the Team

Team Photo of the Founder & PPC Manager Daniel Adam (Danny)
Founder & PPC Management
Team Photo of the Graphic-Designer & Account Manager Anna-Maria
Account Management
Team Photo of the Graphic-Designer Paul
Team Photo of the Graphic-Designer Paul
Team Photo of the Copywriter Patricia
Team Photo of the IT Specialist Dori
IT Specialist

Frequently asked questions

How do I qualify to work with you?

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1. You are a Seller on bol.com
2. You are making at least 50-100k in revenue per month
3. You are reliable, cool and don’t have a stick up your ass. This one is actually important.

How long will we be working together ?

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We are not looking for any short term projects. We want long and prosperous partnerships. With that being said, we will need at least 3 months to see significant results.

How much time do I need to invest ?

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2-3 hours per week and a few hours for the initial onboarding process is all we need from you.

How much notice do you need ?

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We can only take 4 new clients each month. So depending on the season, we might need 4-8 weeks to get the ball rolling. The sooner you let us know, the sooner we can reserve your spot. :)

I am not a Bol Seller, but have my own Online Store. Can you still help me?

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Our process is specifically tailored to Bol Sellers. However, if you have an online store that makes a minimum of 50-100k per month in revenue, we are happy to jump on a call with you and explore possibilities.

Nobody buys on Amazon in the Netherlands. In Germany however, it is by FAR the biggest shopping platform. Eventually, we are going to expand your products to all Amazon marketplaces, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

I’m ready to start! What’s my next step ?

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Awesome 🙌! Please fill out 👉 this quick form 👈, in order for us to evaluate your situation. We will contact you asap.

Have more questions?

Just reach out, we’re always around to answer any questions.

Get in Touch

Ready To Start Your
Amazon Journey?